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Technical event: “Development of components and advanced technical solutions in Foundry”

The working meeting will be held on February 21st at the IK4-AZTERLAN Metallurgy Research Centre with the participation of experts from the company ADI Treatments Ltd, IK4-AZTERLAN and the Tabira Foundry Institute.


The Foundry industry is an extraordinarily evolving sector, where technological development and innovation are key to improve competitiveness. In a global market, where the evolution of production strategies is heavily influenced by the digital transformation around 4.0 technologies, Foundry must also face the challenges set by this new paradigm.

Monitoring the process to minimize defects and knowing the metallurgical clues and the main characteristics of the different materials from an advanced point of view become relevant aspects to increase the efficiency of the casting processes.

To deepen into some of these aspects and to know about the market trends and future perspectives of ADI and CADI materials, IK4-AZTERLAN Metallurgy Research Centre will host on February 21st the technical session “Development of components and advanced technological solutions in Foundry industry”, organized in collaboration with the Tabira Foundry Institute. The event will have the participation of experts from the company ADI Treatments Ltd. and from IK4-AZTERLAN.

Latest proposals and working frames of the World Foundry Organization will also be presented in this technical event.

The full program and the inscription questionnaire are available in the following direction.


Azterlan Team
Azterlan Team
RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.

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