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Participation of IK4-AZTERLAN in the 58th International Foundry Conference held in Portorož (Slovenia)

The paper presented by the Metallurgy Research Centre is related to the valorization of spent foundry sands in the foundry industry or in additional applications for the construction sector.


Under the title “Advanced technologies with a future for foundries”, the latest edition of this outstanding international meeting gathered more than 200 experts under an extensive work programme that aimed to approach the latest technological developments of the industry from several points of view, such as metallic transformation processes or environmental sustainability.

Clara Delgado, researcher at the Environment and Sustainability team from IK4-AZTERLAN, has shared the research job “Integration of a novel mechanical sand reclamation technology in a steel foundry to maximise SFS valorisation in foundry and construction applications” within the official program of the congress. The work done by the international consortium of the LIFE ECO-SANDFILL European project consists of the development of an innovative mechanical system for the recovery of steel foundry sands to optimize their valorization by means of high-added-value applications for foundry and construction industries.


Researcher Clara Delgado presents LIFE ECO-SANDFILL project achievements 

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RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.

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