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New president in IK4 Research Alliance

Mr. Antxon López Usoz has been appointed as President of the IK4 Research Alliance, replacing in this position to Mr. Iñaki Aramburu.


Mr. Usoz is the Innovation Director of DANOBATGROUP and President of the IK4-Ideko technology center. He has developed an important part of his extensive professional career in the DANOBATGROUP with the involvement in various positions of responsibility, both in industrial and R&D activities.

He currently combines his functions in the Basque industrial group with other responsibilities in different recognized organizations in the field of advanced manufacturing (president of the Association of Machine Tool Manufacturers, member of the Board of Directors of CEFIMO (European Association of the Machine Tool Industries) , president of DANORAIL, ….

This update within the board of directors from the Basque Research Alliance includes as well the incorporation of Mr. Jesus Mª Iriondo (president of IK4-Tekniker) as the new Vice-President of IK4.

The 9 Technology Centres from IK4 Research Alliance have the main objective to generate, acquire and transfer scientific and technological knowledge in order to increase the competitiveness level of the industry and the progress of society.

Antxon López, presiden of IK4 Research Alliance


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