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More than 20 professionals get trained on metallic materials tensile testing in compliance with the ISO 6892-1 standard at IK4-AZTERLAN

The training session, eminently practical, has taken place in the physical and mechanical properties laboratories of the IK4-AZTERLAN Metallurgy Research Centre, with the collaboration of experts from the company ZwickRoell Spain, a referent in the development of this kind of equipment.


The ISO 6892-1 standard for Metallic Materials Tensile Testing specifies the testing methods to determine the mechanical properties of metallic materials at room temperature. During the test, a sample is pretensioned by a uniaxial tensile effort, generally, until it gets broken. The aim of the test is to determine one or various mechanical characteristics of the specimen, such as proportional elastic limit (Rp), tensile resistance (Rm), elongation after break (A) or the elasticity module (E), among others.

To improve the knowledge about this standard and its applications, on February 27th IK4-AZTERLAN has hosted a workshop that, after reviewing the theoretical aspects of the standard, has ended up with a practical session developed in the physical and mechanical properties laboratory of the Technology Centre. The workshop has gathered 21 technicians from a diverse number of companies, leaded by experts from ZwickRoell.

IK4-AZTERLAN Metallurgy Research Centre is accredited by ENAC and NADCAP to perform tests in compliance with standard UNE-EN ISO 6892-1 / ASTM E8/E8M (room temperature). The tecnology centre is also acredited by ENAC to perform tests in compliance with standard UNE-EN ISO 6892-2 / ASTM E21 (high temperature) and has capacities to perform tensile testing at low temperature, at low speed and in corrosive environments.

Two moments of the tensile testing training session held in IK4-AZTERLAN


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RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.

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