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Jornada “Soluciones inteligentes para la fundición no férrica”

AZTERLAN will present the latest developments focused on the porosity reduction of aluminum high pressure die cast components (HPDC) in this technical framework organized by FUNDIGEX.


In order to bring the non-ferrous foundry industry closer to new technological developments in relevant areas for the foundry sector such as sustainability, digitization or intelligent manufacturing, the Spanish Association of Foundry Exporters (FUNDIGEX) has organized the webinar “Intelligent Solutions for Non-Ferrous Foundry” on March 17th, which will include the participation of AZTERLAN Metallurgy Research Center.

In this technical working session, Mr. Sergio Orden (researcher specialized in aluminum casting technologies) will present one of the most recent technological developments to reduce porosity in aluminum high pressure die casting components that allows to produce sound and high quality castings.

This presentation of the Technology Center specialized in metallurgy is part of a program with a marked industrial orientation, which will also include the participation of leading companies from the sector such as AURRENAK, LORAMENDI, INSERTEC and HORMESA.

More information and contact for free registration to the conference available at: https://lnkd.in/duwZFvUt

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RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.

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