
IK4 Research Alliance takes part in the “Employment and company presentation meetings” organised by the Engineering Faculty of Bilbao

Ph. D. Edurne Aguado, researcher at the IK4-AZTERLAN Metallurgy Research Centre, and Francisco Febrer, human resources of IK4-TEKNIKER, presented within this event the activity of the IK4 Research Alliance and the main challenges of the research activity from the 7 Technology Centres that belong to IK4.


As organizations dedicated to the generation and transfer of technology to improve the competitiveness level of the industry, talent development is one of the main axes of the IK4 Research Alliance Technology Centres.  On one hand, the Centres need highly qualified research staff, and, on the other hand, companies must recruit workers specialised in clue areas for their industrial development.

With the aim of showing the future professionals of our industry the opportunities that the 7 Technology Centres from the IK4 Research Alliance can offer them, Ph. D. Edurne Aguado, researcher at IK4-AZTERLAN Metallurgy Research Centre, and Francisco Febrer, member of IK4-TEKNIKER, shared with the students some of their daily experiences within their own organisations.

Also, representing the research community, Ph. D. Aguado shared with the students the different characteristics of a researcher’s job, as well as some of the challenges that IK4-AZTERLAN Metallurgy Research Centre must face to help metal-mechanical companies of the Basque Country to be more competitive.

Francisco Febrer (IK4-TEKNIKER) and Ph.D.Edurne Aguado (IK4-AZTERLAN) in the begining of the meeting.

Ph.D. Edurne Aguado, researcher at IK4-AZTERLAN Metallurgy Research Centre, presents her experience as a reasearcher.

Employment and Company Presentation meetings

The Engineering Faculty of Bilbao organises the Employment and Company Presentation meetings every year to show its students the opportunities that the Basque industry network has to offer them and to facilitate their incorporation into the market as talented employees.

In 2018 many important companies and organisations have taken part in the meetings. Among them we can find: Sener, Velatia, Cikautxo, Sidenor, Serikat Consultoría e Informática, Accenture, Siemens, Applus+, ITP Aero, Arania, Inser Robótica, Sisteplant, Etxe-tar, Aernnova Engineering Solutions, General Electric Grid Automation, Batz, P4Q, Maier, Lointek, Irizar, Ingeteam, OHL Servicios, Idom, Tecuni, Deguisa, Intertek, Axpe Consulting, GE Renewable Hydro Spain, Viewnext, Schneider Electric, CAF Turnkey & Engineering, Management Solutions, Altran, Grupo Eulen, Damrc, IeTeam, Giroa_Veolia, Elecnor, CTA, Matrici, Funk Retail Center, Euskaltel, GHI Hornos, AVS (Added Value Solutions), Orona, AFM (Machine Tool Manufacturers Association), Biscay Industrial Engineers’ Association and from the Basque Country Telecomunications Engineers’ Association.


Azterlan Team
Azterlan Team
RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.