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IK4 Research Alliance organizes the meeting “Water treatment in food industry: new opportunities”

This workshop will take place on October 19th at the Central building’s Auditorium of the Scientific and Technologic Park of Biscay (Zamudio). Industry experts will discuss future challenges regarding the management and the treatment of waste water in the food industry.


The workshop is directed to food industry companies, water technology agents, universities, research centers and other agents interested in getting first hand technical information about the latest developments and challenges in the management of food industry waste water.

The outstanding working program will count with the participation of technicians and experts from the companies RIBERO and SUEZ, Gaiker-IK4 and Ceit-IK4 technology centers, Basque Food Cluster and Aclima Cluster.


Azterlan Team
Azterlan Team
RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.

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