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IK4 Research Alliance coordinates a working session focused on Additive Manufacturing technologies in Madrid

The technical meeting will be held on the 31st of May on the CDTI premises to share the latest developments associated to additive manufacturing technologies.


IK4 Research Alliance has organized a meeting focused on the “impact of additive manufacturing in the industry: technological vision and latest trends” that will take place on May the 31st at the CDTI (Madrid).

Additive Manufacturing is one of the working lines of Advanced Manufacturing, known as well as a potential leading technology within the Industry 4.0. This meeting is aimed at companies, universities, research centers and other agents interested in knowing more about the latest technological developments, applications and trends on advanced manufacturing.

Technology Centres from the IK4 Research Alliance such as CEIT-IK4, GAIKER-IK4, IK4-IDEKO, IK4-LORTEK and IK4-TEKNIKER, along with the company AIRBUS and the CDTI, will take an active part in the program as speakers. There will be also a round table open for discussion where the different speakers will try to visualize how this technology will evolve in the near future focusing on the aspects of major novelty and scientific and technological level: equipments, pre-processing, post-processing and specific applications or designs.

The following link includes further information and registration to the free event:

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