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IK4-Azterlan takes part in the Mediterranean Conference on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering 2016 (MCHT&SE 2016).

The lecture presented by the researchers of IK4-Azterlan was focused on the effect of the deep cryogenic treatments on cold work tool steels


The Slovenian town of Portorož held the third edition of the MCHT&SE between 26th and 28th of September 2016, where over a hundred of heat treatment and surface engineering specialists have shared the latest advances in their respective fields of specialization.

IK4-Azterlan presented a paper entitled “On the influence of cryogenic steps on heat treatment processes”, programmed in a session centered in very low temperature treatments. The result from this work evidences the importance of an appropriate design of the combination between deep cryogenic treatments and tempering, in order to optimize the service performance of cold work tool steels.

Official lecturers of the  III MCHT&SE [Source: IMT]

Attendees from over twenty nationalities had also the chance to visit the stands that were installed for the event by leading heat treatment equipment manufacturers.


Azterlan Team
Azterlan Team
RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.

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