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IK4- Azterlan takes part in the informative day “The engineer as a researcher”

IK4-AZTERLAN collaborated as speaker within the informative talks for students organized by the University of Deusto in the working frame of Forotech 2017, contributing with its vision and experiences in the relationship between the engineering and the research activities.


Linked to the activities of Forotech 2017, the University of Deusto organized on the 22nd of March an informative day with the main topic focused on the role of an engineer as a researcher. The working proposal was addressed to the new generations of engineers and it was aimed to prove how these two concepts are not so remote between themselves.

The conference counted with the participation of PhD Javier Nieves Acedo, CTO of the Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Technological Solutions department in the IK4-Azterlan R&D area. After a brief presentation of the main activities of the Metallurgical Centre, Javier explained the current state of the institution with special attention to the link between engineers and their research activities. Later on he carried on focusing in the skills and characteristics expected from an engineer. It was an agile paper and easy to follow thanks to the use of the «Storytelling» communication methodology and its analogies with the animal world.

The second lecture was given by PhD Pablo García Bringas, Manager of DeustoTech, who complemented the spread point of view of IK4-Azterlan. Pablo also focused on the opportunities  that engineers have to perform their research in a wide open range of scenarios that could go further on could from the university, research centers or companies. Specifically, he pointed out other ways of research and innovation as an «Entrepreneur», showing successful examples and experiences developed in this field by the Regional Government of Bizkaia or Deustokabi, or the MIT in its MIT GSL (Global Startup Labs).

After both talks, the day finished with a small round table open for discussion in where the future engineers and/or researchers could ask and comment any aspect related to the activities of research that nowadays the engineers develop, along with the possibility of linking their activity with a PhD degree.

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RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.

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