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IK4-AZTERLAN takes part in the “13th International Aluminum Conference – INALCO 2016” celebrated recently in Italy.

The University of Naples Federico II organized the 13th international “INALCO 2016” on 21st – 23rd of September focused on “New structures for aluminium and new aluminium for structures.


This congress, with a participation of more than 100 professionals, has turned into a key event for both the academic and industrial community involved in aluminium structures.

PhD Ana Isabel Fernández-Calvo, researcher from the Area Research and Development of Metallurgical Processes of IK4-AZTERLAN, presented the work “Microstructure and mechanical properties of a new secondary AlSi10MnMg(Fe) alloy for ductile high pressure die casting parts for the automotive industry”, within the official programme of the Congress.

This work is a part of the research carried out in the European project Soundcast (No. 315506, FP7-2012-1). Based on the adjustment of the chemical composition, mainly Mn, a successful modification of the microstructure was achieved in a secondary alloy AlSi10 at different component thicknesses.  The new recycled alloy presents a series of additional advantages such as of lower cost and reduced die wear and it is ready for industrialization in the manufacturing of structural automotive components.

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RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.

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