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IK4-AZTERLAN presents the 4.0 industry opportunities for the Vacuum Pressure Die Casting process within the framework of SMAPRO Project

The technical workshop “Technologies for an intelligent 4.0 manufacturing” has gathered different agents that have taken part in the SMAPRO project, experts in diverse fields of advanced manufacturing and 4.0 industry.


The technical meeting “Technologies for an intelligent 4.0 manufacturing” was held at the Aeronautics Advanced Manufacturing Centre (CFAA) on the 4th of April. The purpose of the meeting was to disseminate the main results obtained within the SMAPRO project. Through diverse case studies and demonstrators, the opportunities that advanced manufacturing and 4.0 technologies present for different industrial processes were discussed.

Representing IK4-AZTERLAN Metallurgy Research Centre, PhD. Ana Isabel Fernandez, researcher of aluminum foundry technologies, has presented the results of the application of advanced 4.0 technologies (implementation of advanced sensorics, capture and intelligent treatment of process data), to optimize the Vacuum Pressure Die Casting (VPDC) process.

The SMAPRO collaborative Project has been developed within the Basque Government’s ELKARTEK Program, with the participation of various innovation agents such as IK4-AZTERLAN, IK4-IDEKO, IK4-LORTEK, IK4-TEKNIKER, TECNALIA, FAGOR/AOTEK, MU and UPV/EHU.

Ana Isabel Fernández doktorea, IK4-AZTERLAN, SMAPRO proiektuaren emaitzak aurkezten CFAA.


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RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.

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