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IK4-AZTERLAN presents one of its latests research works related to ferrous materials at the TMS congress

Researchers from IK4-Azterlan presented the work “Understanding Superfine Graphite Iron Solidification Through Interrupted Solidification Experiments” within the sessions “Advances in the Science and Engineering of Casting Solidification” at the 114th TMS Congress, held on Orlando (USA) during 15-19 March.


The TMS Congress is one of the most distinguished events in the field of technology and sciences related to metallurgy, minerals and materials. This important congress has been attended by over 4300 specialists, technicians and researchers from over 68 different nationalities.

Special mention to the recognition offered by the Congress organization to Professor Doru Michael Stefanescu from the University of Ohio, a worldwide reference researcher regarding the modeling and phase transformations in metallic melts.

Since 2010 Professor Stefanescu works closely with the IK4-Azterlan research center developing important projects on the area of solidification of ferrous materials, with about a dozen published papers in collaboration.

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