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IK4-AZTERLAN obtains the R+D+i Management certification

The Metallurgy Research Centre ensures the excellence of is management system for the research and transfer activities as defined by UNE 166002 standard.


As a technology centre focused on the generation and transfer of expert knowledge on metallurgy and metallic transformation processes, IK4-AZTERLAN develops innovative technological solutions that facilitate the development of new materials, processes and services oriented towards improving the competitivity of the metal-mechanic industrial network.

To assess that this relevant activity is performed efficiently IK4-AZTERLAN has adapted its system to the guidelines of the UNE 166002 standard for the R&D+i activity, that specifies the requirements of the system for its correct management and continuous improvement. The Technology Centre has obtained the certification after successfully completing the two audit phases, on June and July 2019, accomplished by the Bureau Veritas certification company.

This certification fosters the integration of the R&D+i activity within the general management of the organization and provides practical guidelines to effectively organize and manage its activity. By means of this certification, the Technology Centre reinforces its commitment as an innovation agent that helps companies in their way to increasing their competitivity.

The R&D activity of IK4-AZTERLAN is backed by more than 40 years of experience working together with the metal-mechanical industry and by its participation in various research and development projects.

Also in the field of R&D activity, IK4-AZTERLAN is recognized by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research as an accredited organism to perform R&D activities with private companies.

Members of the Quality area and R+D of Metallurgical Processes area with the R+D+i Management certification

Accreditations and certifications of IK4-AZTERLAN

IK4-AZTERLAN is accredited by ENAC (Spanish National Accreditation Entity) in compliance with the criteria defined in the UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025 (CGA-ENAC-LEC) Standard to perform mechanical, metallographic, chemical, non-destructive and corrosion tests on metallic materials in conformity with the accreditation nº 59/LE069.

The Technology Centre is also accredited by NADCAP (National Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Program), which certifies its technical competence for the characterization of metallic materials for the aeronautic sector.

IK4-AZTERLAN also owns homologations from different companies, such as Airbus, Renault, Sirkosky, or Ensayos Nucleares S.A., to perform diverse analyses.


Azterlan Team
Azterlan Team
RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.

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