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IK4 AZTERLAN joins the General Council of the Biscay`s Federation of Metal Companies

The last meeting of the General Council from the BFMC took place on the 16th of March in Bilbao, where the new Council members were presented and the new Executive Committee was elected, with Mr. José Luis López Gil renewed as President for an additional four year term period.


Since the beginning of its activity IK4-Azterlan puts all efforts on supporting and adding value to the metal-mechanical industry of Biscay, having specialized in metallurgy as well as in the different metallic material transformation technologies.

The incorporation of IK4-Azterlan to the General Council of the BFMC is part of that commitment with the local companies.

Azterlan Team
Azterlan Team
RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.

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Contact with Juan J. Bravo.

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