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Green light for DEK – Durangaldea Enpresa Ekimena, the new entity for the economic promotion of the region

The project has been promoted by the Commonwealth of Durangaldea, the City Council of Amorebieta-Etxano, the AZTERLAN Metallurgy Research Centre, the Association of Companies of Durangaldea, CIFP IURRETA LHII, CIFP ZORNOTZA and LHII Maristak Durango-Ikastetxea.

DEK – Durangaldea Enpresa Ekimena is already a reality. The new entity for the economic promotion of the region of Durangaldea has taken this morning the last step for its creation, following the public registry of the organization. This is a project with great regional impact that will contribute to keep building the future of Durangaldea and improve the quality of life of its citizens. It will be publicly presented on December 2nd in Errota Kultur Etxea (Abadiño).

This new strategic project has been launched thanks to the coordinated work of a group formed by the Commonwealth of Durangaldea, the City Council of Amorebieta-Etxano, the AZTERLAN Technology Center, the Association of Companies of Durangaldea and Maristak Durango-Ikastetxea, with the support of CIFP Zornotza LHII and CIFP Iurreta LHII. These organizations belong to diverse sectors such the institutional, business, technological and training ones. They have been working for months to launch DEK- Durangaldea Enpresa Ekimena, which will be dedicated to the economic promotion of the region.

Throughout the process, this initiative has also had the support of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, within the framework of the Bizkaia Orekan Sakonduz strategy aimed at boosting regional competitiveness.

Thus, as a result of a diagnosis performed by the Competitiveness Pole, the need to create a dynamic entity of the industrial network that combines wills and synergies between administration, companies and training and/or innovation centers, and that contributes and promotes the development of the region and the competitiveness of the industrial network, was identified.

Among the objectives of DEK- Durangaldea Enpresa Ekimena, a main one will be to guarantee the economic impulse of the region, pursuing the competitive transformation and the renewal of its industrial network; the generation of new opportunities and business projects, all maximizing talent and qualification, and promoting the creation of quality employment.

As explained by the president of the Commonwealth of Durangaldea, also president of DEK, Mireia Elkoroiribe, “today we take a very important leap. DEK is a strategic project we have been working on for a long time with a common goal. We have been able to bring together the public and private sector, business, technology, and training agents to promote regional development, aligned with the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda, but also within the framework of the main programs and strategies at the level of the Basque Country”.

Kepa Jon Arana, representative of DEE-AED – Association of Companies of Durangaldea and vice president of DEK stressed that, “we are very happy to join forces and collaborate in this new association for the business network of the region of Durangaldea and Amorebieta, as it helps us create synergies between all the entities that are in our region. We think that DEK’s activity will be decisive for the region to be valued as one of the economic engines of Bizkaia”.

For his part, Andoni Agirrebeitia, mayor of Amorebieta-Etxano has said that “the start-up of DEK is a very important step for the companies and industries of our region to keep being competitive, benchmarks in their sector and have an important weight in it. Having a strong industrial network will allow us to maintain and increase jobs and boost the local economies of our municipalities. For the City Council of Amorebieta-Etxano it is essential that private and public initiative go together because this will allow us to make more accurate diagnoses and more efficient actions for the present and future of the sector”.

The signing of the registration of the new entity, which took place this morning, was attended by: Mireia Elkoroiribe, President of the Commonwealth of Durangaldea, Andoni Agirrebeitia, Mayor of Amorebieta-Etxano, Xabier González, manager of the AZTERLAN technology center, Pablo Pontes, president of DEE-AED, Idoia Atxaga, director of CIFP Iurreta LHII, Esther Elexgaray, director of CIFP Zornotza, and Daniel Irazola, director of Maristak Ikastetxea.

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