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COVID-19: we keep our activity running

Regarding the current health alert scenario due to COVID-19 pandemic, AZTERLAN Metallurgy Research Centre would like to inform you that we keep our activity and our operative capacities running. Thus, we keep offering materials characterisation, homologation and certification services and working to ensure the proper performance of our R&D projects.


Obviously, following Health Authority’s advise, significant changes have been introduced into our daily routines to safeguard the health and wellbeing of our employees, our clients and our providers, as well as their corresponding environments, and to minimise risk of contagion:

  • Implementation of shift work, to reduce physical contact, to promote security distances
  • Recommended by Health Authority and to ease family conciliation.
  • Restriction of visits to our facilities.
  • Cancellation of trips to other countries.
  • Reducing physical meetings with clients, providers and other contacts, using instead telematic.
  • Channels such as videoconferences and conference calls.
  • Reinforcement of hygiene and social behaviors strictly following Health Authority’s recommendations.

By adopting all these measures, we aim at staying by the side of our clients in these hard times so their activity can remain the most normalised possible.

Of course, we keep vigilant of any new recommendations or measures adopted by Authorities that, at any moment, may affect our activity. At all events, we will remain accessible by means of the usual contact channels (telephone, e-mail, Skype, Microsoft team, Webex…).

Finally, we would like to take advantage of this communication to share a message of optimism with you, because we firmly believe that collective responsible behaviour will lead all of us overcome this situation.


Azterlan Team
Azterlan Team
RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.

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