
“Corrosion Awareness Day”: IK4-AZTERLAN technical capabilities in corrosion of metallic materials

The area of Corrosion and Protection of Metallic Materials from IK4-AZTERLAN is focused at helping the metal-mechanical industry to reduce the negative impact of corrosion, improving the critical decision making during the different stages of the manufacturing chain of metallic components: from the design and the selection of the most appropriate materials, to the production process, the identification of the optimum treatments and coatings for each application, along with the defect and failure analysis during the life service.


Corrosion is a natural and inevitable phenomenon that affects to the properties and the functionality of metallic materials, components and equipment, leading to their deterioration and failure. It is a phenomenon that affects transversely to every industrial sector, as well as to society.

Therefore, corrosion has significant economic and environmental consequences with a direct impact (substitution of machinery, reduction of the life time of components, structural failures, accidents…) and indirect consequences as well (preventive maintenance, reparations, etc).

Even though it cannot be completely avoided, it is possible to mitigate the effect of corrosion acting over the factors that influence on the own corrosion process: the characteristics of the metallic alloys and coatings, or the aggressive conditions of the environment, mainly. Also, aspects such as design, the mechanical requirements that affect a component or the existence of residual tensions can affect to corrosion.

Capacities of IK4-AZTERLAN in the field of corrosion

As a Technology Centre specialized in metallurgy and metallic transformation processes, IK4-AZTERLAN has a long experience in the study of corrosion mechanisms. The expertise of our technical team facilitates equipment designers and users relevant information for an informed decision making, thanks to our knowledge on materials, design, optimal manufacturing processes and coatings, depending on the applications or specific requirements from each component.

IK4-AZTERLAN Metallurgy Research Centre offers to companies an extensive R&D experience oriented to the improvement of the behavior of materials and coatings to corrosion, by developing new alloys with improved properties, creating innovative anti-corrosion and anti-fouling coatings of low environmental impact, and/or the optimization of industrial processes.

The main technological services offered by the Corrosion and Materials Protection area are the following: certification tests accredited by ENAC, the study of problematics related to corrosion of metals, metallurgical counseling on high added value materials and specific or custom-designed testing, depending on the application requirements.

The further testing services provided by IK4-AZTERLAN allow as well companies to accredit and validate their materials and products under international standards UNE, ISO and ASTM, as well as to homologate pieces and structural components in compliance with specifications of clients from high demanding sectors such as Oil&Gas, Wind Energy or Automotive, among others.

Check here the actual capabilities of IK4-AZTERLAN in the field of Corrosion and Material Protection.

Study of a metallic sample after undergoing a corrosion test at IK4-AZTERLAN laboratories.


Azterlan Team
Azterlan Team
RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.

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