
AZTERLAN will develop new metallic materials for Advanced Manufacturing within a consortium of Basque scientific and technological agents

The CEMAP project is mainly aimed to develop advanced metallic and ceramic materials for the automotive, air&space, transport, energy production and machine-tool sectors. The new materials aim at improving their performance in response to the increasing market challenges, with a clear bet to optimise also the current manufacturing processes.


The CEMAP project has been recently launched targeting the development of high-performance materials for Advanced Manufacturing processes. It aims at covering primary needs of the industry by providing high added value solutions to achieve a competitive offer, different from other European regions and a favourable positioning for Basque companies. With that purpose capacitation and coordination of diverse assets within the Advanced Materials Node of the Basque Digital Innovation Hub will also be performed.

With that purpose, the consortium of agents that take part in this project must face the challenge to not just develop new enhanced materials of high added value but also to improve the already existing production processes, particularly for the above mentioned sectors.

The following specific objectives should be highlighted within the CEMAP project:

  • To develop high entropy alloys highly resistant to corrosion and wear, covering the existing gap between tool steels (wear resistance) and superalloys (mechanical properties at high temperature and high resistance to corrosion).
  • To design new multi-functional alloys with shape memory and to produce them by means of Additive Manufacturing technologies.
  • To improve the weldability and mechanical properties of superalloys (link resistance to creep and corrosion) to be applied at high temperatures, improving their service life conditions and the safety conditions of the of manufactured components.
  • To develop new high and medium entropy alloys of high ductility that will allow the weight reduction of structural components.
  • To develop ceramic and cermet materials for extreme conditions processed by Additive Manufacturing technologies.
  • To develop soft magnetic particles coated with insulating ceramic layer that improves their properties.
  • To produce alloys of unique properties by means of atomisation, to replace conventional alloys including critical elements such as cobalt-base superalloys.

CEMAP project consortium is composed by the following technological agents belonging to the Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA): Azterlan, Ceit (project coordinator and leader), Lortek, Tecnalia and Tekniker, as well as different departments of the UPV/EHU (Condensed Matter Physics department, Bilbao Engineering School, Matter Magnetism and Physics department), Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa and the corporate R&D unit of Eibar Precision Casting (EIPC).


Azterlan Team
Azterlan Team
RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.

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