
AZTERLAN Technological Services expands its offer of accredited tests

The Technological Services area of the AZTERLAN Metallurgy Research Centre is accredited by ENAC to carry out characterization tests on metallic materials according to the UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard (file no. 59/LE069). This new extension of accreditation reinforces AZTERLAN’s commitment to creating the most complete and robust specialized analytical offer for the metal-mechanical industry.

The ENAC Spanish National Certification Entity has granted AZTERLAN the expansion of its offer of accredited tests under the terms of the UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard for the performance of mechanical, chemical, non-destructive and corrosion tests of metallic materials, as stated in file no. 59/LE069. This expansion reinforces AZTERLAN’s analytical capacity and, in particular, the analytical services provided in the field of corrosion and non-destructive testing, as well as in the field of mechanical testing and chemical characterization.

In the words of Jose Mª Murua, director of Materials and Technological Services at AZTERLAN, “our commitment to offering the industry a broader and more reliable specialized analytical offer is firm. This new expansion of capabilities supports our efforts in this direction, which are accompanied by a team of top-level technicians, with extensive experience and a high degree of knowledge in metallic materials, together with avant-garde equipment and new facilities. All these features allow us to provide a first-class service.”

➡️ Check the full scope of AZTERLAN’s ENAC accreditation

Tensile test

Main new features incorporated in the expansion of accreditation

In the field of Corrosion and Protection of metallic materials, the new tests accredited by ENAC correspond mainly to climatic testing methods in cyclic conditions to determine the corrosion resistance of coatings according to UNE-EN ISO 11997-1:2018 (Cycle B ) and UNE-EN ISO 2409:2021 (grating cutting) standards, as well as the specific tests for the automotive sector PV 1210:2016 (Volkswagen), CETP-L-467: 200903 (Ford) and VCS 1027 1449: 2014 (Volvo). Likewise, the corrosion area has also accredited the quality control tests of the microstructure of austenitic/ferritic (duplex) stainless steels according to ISO 17781:2017.

Regarding Non-Destructive Testing, the extension corresponds to the visual inspection test of welds. Thus, the new accreditation includes the performance of tests and evaluation of welded joints according to UNE-EN ISO 17637:2017, UNE EN ISO 5817:2014 and ISO 10042:2018.

In the area of Physical Properties Testing, the reinforcement corresponds to the offer aimed at the characterization of fastening elements according to ISO 16047:2005 Amd.2012, UNE-EN 14399-2:2016 (increase in the test range to T ≤ 30000 Nm) and DIN 18800-7:2002.

Finally, the Chemical Area has increased the accredited test range of the tests for the automatic determination of N:(0.0020 -0.566)% and O:(0.0010 – 0.0200)%, based on the ASTM E1019-18 standard.

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RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.

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