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AZTERLAN researchers will collaborate as guest editors on the special issue of METALS (MDPI) Scientific Magazine: “Optimizing techniques and understanding of the casting processes”

Dr. Jon Sertucha, Gorka Zarrabeitia and Ramón Suárez, researchers at AZTERLAN Metallurgy Research Centre, have a long career and a great experience in the scientific and industrial areas of casting technologies. They will shape this special issue aimed at “transferring the scientific and technological capacities of the foundry industry”.


Without any doubt, knowledge and scientific/technological development on materials and processes settle a solid base for the current foundry industry. Showcasing the importance of science and the understanding of cause-effect phenomena associated to the casting process has been, and still is, of vital relevance to foster the development and the evolution of the industry. “This scientific and technological approach is where we want to put the focus of this special edition”.

When the invitation of the prestigious publication knocked the door of AZTERLAN Foundry Technologies team, “we had no doubt it was a great opportunity to reflect the vision of our team of experts about modern foundry industry, by sharing the direction in which we think foundry must evolve to be more competitive, as well as to share best practices and success experiences that in our opinion can be very helpful for the development of technologies and knowledge within this complex industry”.

From the point of view of the team of editors, “the current reality in foundry is a science where everything is based on cause-effect relationships. This science must be applied from diverse perspectives, such as metallurgy (the chemical elements and process parameters and how they interact), physics and of course, the use of CIT and industry 4.0 tools, such as deep learning, neuronal networks, bayesian networks, artificial intelligence, etc”. The aim of this knowledge is no other than minimising operations that do not add any value to castings and to develop optimised products which will adapt to the growing needs of customer sectors in the search of efficient and flexible processes.

AZTERLAN researchers highlight that this special issue “aims somehow at tracing the technological evolution of the industry from a knowledge point of view”, contributing to break the image of pollutant, dangerous and non-technological industry that foundry still carries on.

“The collaboration relationship that our Technology Centre maintains with key organisations such as the European Cast Iron Group, the American Foundry Society or the World Foundry Organization, among others, as well as with foundry companies and academia, will allow to generate interesting and quite relevant contents of high added value for the industry”.

From left to right, AZTERLAN researchers Dr. Jon Sertucha, Gorka Zarrabeitia and Ramón Suárez, guest editors of the special issue of METALS (MDPI) scientific magazine.

Deadline and paper characteristics

The deadline for receiving paper proposals to be published on this special issue “Optimizing techniques and understanding in casting processes” is September 30th 2021. If you are interested in taking part in the publication, please feel free to contact any of the above mentioned contacts from AZTERLAN Metallurgy Research Centre.

The conditions to participate and further information regarding this special issue can be checked in this site at METALS magazine webpage.

More information about METALS magazine

METALS (ISSN 2075-4701; CODEN: MBSEC7) is an online international magazine published by MDPI and that offers open access contents. This is a highly reputed publication in the field of knowledge about metallic materials and their transformation processes.

METALS is indexes in data bases of reference such as Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), Inspec or CAPlus / SciFinder among others.


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