Knowledge Hub
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Developments and capabilities:

As cast high silicon ductile irons with optimised mechanical properties and remarkable fatigue properties
The present work shows a comparative study regarding the mechanical properties of 25 as cast ferritic ductile iron alloys, nine

Superfine graphite gray cast iron: high ultimate tensile strength combined with low hardness
Nowadays there are many alloys in the market that can satisfy the required physical and mechanical properties for a given

As Cast ductile iron Crankshafts with improved mechanical properties
Current understanding about the influence of several alloying elements on mechanical properties of steels and cast irons and more precisely

Ductile iron castings fabricated using metallic moulds
The features and suitability of high requirements ductile iron castings production using metallic moulds have beenstudied in the present work.

Ausferritic structures by means of controlled cooling
La fundición esferoidal con matriz ausferrítica, posee propiedades mecánicas superiores a las aleaciones ferrítico/perlíticas convencionales. Tomando como base su excelente

Local steps to reduce the impact generated by traffic
The Department for Environment and Sustainability at IK4-AZTERLAN has taken part in the activity programme to mark European Mobility Week

Sensitivity in Magnetic Particle testing: How much further can we go in detecting indications during the testing process?
It is common to see the term ‘crack-free’ used in product specifications and although the concept may be simple to

Comparative Study of Different Interfaces of Steel inserts in Aluminium Castings
The necessity of preserving resources and to reduce environmental pollution makes light weight concepts highly interesting for the transportation market,

Investigation on the Effect of Sulfur and Titanium on the Microstructure of Lamellar Graphite Iron
The goal of this work was to identify the inclusions in lamellar graphite cast iron in an effort to explain

Waste From Metallurgic Industry: A Sustainable High-Temperature Thermal Energy Storage Material
The ambitious DOE SunShot cost target ($0.06/kWh) for concentrated solar power (CSP) requires innovative concepts in the collector, receiver, and

Improved high silicon ductile iron alloys
Currently, the demand for parts manufactured with cast iron has increased due to its technological properties and, above all, its

Effect of hydrogen embrittlement in under stress metals
Hydrogen embrittlement is a physical-chemical-metallurgical phenomenon. It is developed by chemical interaction and diffusion in the metal. Depending on the

Improved microstructure and mechanical properties of secondary Aluminium-Silicon alloys
Primary aluminum alloys are widely used in the manufacturing of safety parts for the automotive industry. In this context, the

Effect of the Thermal Modulus and Mould Type on the Grain Size of AlSi7Mg Alloy
Thermal analysis has been used for decades for melt control before casting aluminum alloys. However, obtaining a good grain refinement

Metallography and Art
The microstructural analysis of metallic materials studies the relationship between the structural elements of alloys and their physic-chemical properties.

Redistribution and Effect of Various Elements on the Morphology of Primary Graphite in Cast Iron
It has been shown repeatedly that many elements present as traces or at low level can affect graphite shape in