Knowledge Hub
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Developments and capabilities:

Chunky graphite in spheroidal graphite iron: Review of recent results and definition of an predicting index
Graphite degeneracy in heavy-section spheroidal graphite cast irons is mostly associated with the formation of chunky graphite which consists of

Validation of the usage of spent foundry sand as a fine aggregate for construction applications
27/07/2019 Lead by the IK4-AZTERLAN Metallurgy Research Centre and with the participation of an outstanding consortium of companies and entities,

Relation between the damping capacity and tensile strength of alloyed nodular cast irons for braking system components
The automotive industry has been conducting researches and continuously improving components aiming to decrease their weight maintaining high mechanical properties

Compositional Modification of Tool Steel to Improve Its Wear Resistance
The high hardness property of hot working steel is not always an advantage as several defects can occur, which reduce

Method for obtaining improved mechanical properties in recycled aluminium castings free of platelet-shaped beta-phases
The present invention relates to iron containing aluminium alloys free of primary platelet-shaped beta-phase of the Al5FeSi-type in the solidified

Corrosion: a common issue
If we would ask someone who is not familiar with the science of materials or the metallurgical industry what corrosion

Spent foundry sand valorization in construction sector through the validation of high-performance applications
Disposal of spent foundry sand (SFS) is one of the most pressing environmental concerns the metal casting industry faces nowadays.

The Influence of Alloying Elements on Damping Capacity of Nodular Cast Irons for Braking System Components
The brake noise is one of the highest incidences of complaints from OEM’s customers, causing problems such as passenger disappointment

Microstructural Tuning of a Laser-Cladding Layer by Means of a Mix of Commercial Inconel 625 and AISI H13 Powders
The aim of this work is to evaluate the microstructural evolutions developed by mixing a corrosion-resistant and high-performance material with

Growth of spheroidal graphite on nitride nuclei: disregistry and crystallinity during early growth
The graphite phase resulting from the stable solidification of iron-carbon-silicon alloys can have a variety of morphologies, from lamellar to

Metallic composite material to protect against high velocity projectiles and high energy impacts
Catastrophic failure of structures due to the impact of high-energy waves or high-velocity projectiles can occur in a wide range

Grain Size Prediction Model in Aluminium Castings Manufactured by Low Pressure Technology
The grain refinement in a real casting manufactured by Low Pressure Die Casting (LPDC) such as wheels and steering knuckles

Non Destructive Testing by means of X-ray technologies: main clues of Radioscopy and Computed Axial Tomography tests
The inspection of solid materials and components (metallic and non-metallic) by means of X-ray technologies allows to check their internal

Evaluation of the corrosion resistance of a new AlSi10MnMg(Fe) secondary alloy
In this work the corrosion resistance of a new AlSi10MnMg(Fe) secondary alloy is evaluated as a function of the wall

A Quick Cycle Time Sensitivity Analysis of Boron Steel Hot Stamping
Several vehicle platforms involving the hot stamping of manufactured parts are launched every year. Mass production represents a key step

DigiMAT. Digital Materials for the Automotive Industry
Project completed 0% 0 Start date H2020 Funding 830903 Grant agreement number 0 End date Electronics, the Internet of Things