Knowledge Hub
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Developments and capabilities:

Pseudo-passive films on cast irons: A strategy to mitigate corrosion by acting directly on microstructure
The effect of the microstructure on the corrosion resistance of four grades of cast irons was studied in an alkaline

The Effects of Holding Time in the Heating/Pouring Unit on the Metallurgical Quality of Spheroidal Graphite Iron
The metallurgical quality of a ductile iron is determined by the components of the metallic charge, as well as by

Compact graphite iron’s real time manufacturing control by thermal analysis
This research work presents a real time nodularity control methodology by thermal analysis for compact graphite iron (CGI) production. It

A new approach of casting simulation tools integrated in the production line
The use of numerical simulation tools in the foundry is absolutely extended and it has been a strong support for

Industry 4.0 for aluminum foundry: an optimal management of the process to enhance competitiveness of the company
A standard HPDC industrial manufacturing process is likely to present the following characteristics: Equipment by different manufacturers and of different

Mechanical properties optimization of as-cast ausferritic ductile iron as a function of section size and holding time
The ADI family shows the best resistance ductility relationship of the ductile iron materials due to an ausferritic microstructure. This

ENGINEERED COOLING® – As-cast ausferritic materials by means of controlled cooling
New materials ENGINEERED COOLING® As-cast ausferritic materials without posterior heat treatments Patented technology More information Advanced as-cast materials by means

COLDMOLD – Accelerated cooling of large components
Manufacturing processes COLDMOLD® Accelerated cooling for large castings. Speed up your production process up to 70%. Ensure the mechanical characteristics

Study of the corrosion behavior of CRA cladded high strength steel for offshore service
Components subjected to corrosion in the Oil & Gas sector are frequently manufactured in Corrosion Resistant Alloys (CRA) over High

Rollover+: Anti-roll system for large vehicles
Weight lightening and safety improvement ROLLOVER + Lightened anti-rollover system for vehicles of great dimensions. Patent protected invention More information

Simulation of hydrogen transport in ultra-high strength martensitic steels with zinc-nickel coating
-No information- Authors: A. Ravikumar (Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon), C. Feiler (Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon), D. Höche (Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon), M. Zheludkevich (Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon), M.

SLIMDOWN – Method for weight reduction in structural components
WEIGHT LIGHTENING SLIMDOWN Development of lightened structural components Up to 20% weight loss Assured mechanical properties and performance More information

SOFTCLAD – Manufacture of forming tools through the combination of LMD and cryogenic technologies
MANUFACTURING TOOLS Fabricación de herramientas de conformado mediante la combinación de tecnologías LMD y criogenia. Patented technology Convert common materials

HSENSE – Real-time monitoring of the Hot Stamping process
manufacturing technologies HSENSE Real time quenching monitoring during steel hot stamping Patented technology Ensure the correct shaping of 100% of

Porosity reduction in parts manufactured by means of High Pressure Die Casting (HPDC) technology
Die-casting is a widely used manufacturing process for the production of aluminum components. Among its virtues, a remarkable one is

A sound vacuum system fully monitored to ensure the quality of the HPDC components
Gas porosity is an intrinsic feature of the HPDC process due to the fast metal injection that does not allow