Advanced tomographic inspection for the development of new products and processes

Supporting Industry R&D

Advanced tomographic inspection for the development of new products and processes

Promoting industrial development through advanced analysis and study capabilities.

The evolution and convergence of manufacturing processes as well as the new trends in product design, seeking for more sustainable, multi-functional and performant (longer lasting and more reliable) products (and materials) requires of support structures for the analysis and validation of the different phases of process development, as well as of the path to conceiving new optimized products.

For many years, computed axial tomography has been an ally of the industry, through the inspection and study of the soundness of parts and structures. Advances in the sensitivity capacity of the equipment and the evolution of visualization and analysis software make it possible to accelerate and promote the innovation and development processes and thus the competitiveness of companies that have access to this tool of high-value.

AZTERLAN puts their advanced capabilities in computed axial microtomography with metrological resolution and high capacity for detecting internal defects at the service of industrial R&D. This asset, along with the expert knowledge of the AZTERLAN team, is aimed at pushing and ensuring the innovation and optimization processes of companies.

This capacity is complemented by AZTERLAN’s advanced capabilities in the field of materials development and manufacturing processes, rapid prototyping, materials characterization (through destructive and non-destructive testing) or simulation and prediction capacities.

Supporting product and process R&D

Main applications

Electric Vehicle

GIGA/MEGA Castings

The need to reduce the weight of electric vehicles is accelerating the development of large structural components made of aluminium by means of injection technologies (HPDC High Pressure Die Casting and Vacuum High Pressure Die Casting).

Lightweight structures

Reticular structures

Reticular structures make it possible to decrease the weight of components. However, since these are built in thin areas, their manufacturing process using sand molding casting technologies involves risks associated with critical filling areas and distortions that can lead to breakages.

Symbiosis of materials and manufacturing technologies

Hybrid and welded components

Additive manufacturing technologies favor the development of hybrid components, manufactured from different materials and/or through a combination of different manufacturing technologies.

These also include GIGA/MEGA stamping components, which are commonly assembled using welding processes.

Reverse engineering for process optimization

Yield improvement and material savings

The partial or total elimination of finishing processes that add no value to products, such as machining of seams and overgrowth areas, leads to a leaner and more sustainable and cost-efficient production, promoting savings in terms of materials and cost, and positively impacting manufacturing and delivery times.

Tomography capacities of AZTERLAN

Find the most appropriate technique for the needs of your product or project.

AZTERLAN owns advanced capabilities for the study and validation of components using computed axial tomography.

Check below the features of the Metrotom 1500G3 equipment with scatterControl (high-resolution microtomography) and YXLON CT Compact (tomography) equipment that belong to our non-destructive inspection facilities.

Célula de Tomografía axial computarizada METROM
Metrotom 1500G3 + scatterControl
Axial Computer Tomography equipment
YXLON CT Compact
Image reconstruction software
Maximum part size (øxh)
Inspected materials
Other features

Supporting process and product R&D

We can help you through your innovation process.
