Technical cleanliness

Ensayo acreditado por ENAC según ISO 16232 y cumpliendo con las especificaciones de la guía VDA 19.  Verifica el nivel de suciedad existente en los componentes partículas, restos de aceites, u otros elementos contaminantes.

Testing service

Technical cleanliness level of components

Accredited by ENAC according ISO 16232.
In compliance with specification of the VDA 19 guide.

Ensure the optimal functionality of sealed systems and hydraulic circuits.

The Components Technical Cleanliness Test carried out by AZTERLAN (accredited by ENAC according to ISO 16232 and complying with the specifications of the VDA 19 guide) allows verifying the level of pollution, such as particles, remains of oil, or other contaminating elements, existing in the components.

It is a high added value analysis to ensure the optimal functionality of sealed systems and hydraulic circuits in which the existence of contamination can induce mechanical failures.

David Lopez
David López

Head of Chemical Department

Related contents
  • Accredited by ENAC.
  • Fully equipped and conditioned ad-hoc facilities.
  • Deadlines adjusted to the needs of the industry.
  • Confidentiality guarantee.
  • Independent laboratory, with more than 45 years of experience in the sector.
  • Top-tier technological capabilities.


Ensure the compliance of your products/process with the cleanliness levels required by manufacturers’ specifications, in both aspects: amount of particles and in size.

Get relevant information on whether your manufacturing process (and other periferal processes) guarantees to avoid dirt in your parts.  This analysis can provide the clues to detect possible phases/workflows to be improved.
