Development of lightened structural components

Lighter structural components with all performance and safety guarantees

The growing requirements for reducing the weight of vehicles and means of transport force us to rethink the way in which components are conceived from their design to their manufacture, seeking the optimal balance between weight, performance and safety.

The SLIMDOWN methodology developed by AZTERLAN allows the weight of vehicles to be reduced through the development and application of new materials and manufacturing methods, allowing the optimized redesign of structural steel elements.

Garikoitz Artola, PhD
Garikoitz Artola, PhD.

Director of Forming Technologies

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SLIMDOWN methodology

New concept for the development of structural and safety parts

1) Study of needed functionalities

A complete analysis of the component, its nesting in the structure (interactions and interdependencies with other elements) and the supported workloads offers key information related to common or expected causes of failure, as well as strengths and weaknesses of the design and the materials used.

2) Redesign of the parts

After selecting a new material that offers greater performance and ensures the required properties, and depending on the observations of the preliminary study, a lightened redesign is reconsidered (based on modeling and simulations) that will be manufactured and subjected to static and dynamic tests.

3) Continuous improvement cycle for weight lightening

Application of the continuous improvement cycle “redesign-manufacturing-testing” on the design and manufacturing process until obtaining the same or better performance than the original non-lightened part, ensuring the avoidance of embrittlement, buckling or deformation problems that cause ductile failure.

Weight lightening stratetegies

We can help you create more perfomant components.


We add value through optimization

“Solid state forming technologies gather a diverse group manufacturing means, materials and sectors with very different characteristics. However, they face common challenges associated with the incorporation of new materials, demanding production rates and increasing requests for the products they manufacture.

Developing components with advanced features, improving the useful life of manufacturing tools and addressing new markets and industrial applications are some of the areas through which we add value to the companies that design, manufacture and apply these components.”

Garikoitz Artola, PhD

Garikoitz Artola, PhD
Director of  Forming Technologies

Aitor Loizaga

Aitor Loizaga
Iron Foundry Technologies

Lucía Unamunzaga
Sustainability and Environment

Asier Bakedano, PhD

Asier Bakedano, PhD
Light Materials

Enara Mardaras, PhD
Corrosion and Protection of Materials

Dr. Javier Nieves

Javier Nieves, PhD
Intelligent Manufacturing Technologies

Fernando Santos
Special Materials and Processes

SLIMDOWN – Method for weight reduction in structural components


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