Ander Areitioaurtena, Asier González, Foundry technologies, Foundry Technologies, Gorka Zarrabeitia, Iratxe Conde, Iron foundry, José Manuel Gutiérrez, Kasandra, R&D+i, Ramón Suarez
This article shows the scientific foundations on which Kasandra® predictive software is based.
Along with this, a CASE STUDY is presented, in which the importance of metallurgical quality in the development of microporosities in an automotive part is evaluated. It is a motor cover that is generally manufactured with 1 or 2 risers, depending on the case, to avoid the micro-recess that appears after machining in the area of the joining flanges.
The objective of the study was to verify the influence of metallurgical quality on the microsink and, at the same time, verify the reliability of the Kasandra® metallurgical module for its application to the manufacture of parts without the need to use risers.
Ramón Suárez, José Manuel Gutiérrez, Gorka Zarrabeitia, Ander Areitioaurtena, Iratxe Conde, Asier González G.
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