Optimized Riser 2D

Nuevo concepto de mazarota para fundición de hierro de moldeo vertical.

Reduce el tamaño de las mazarotas, mejora la calidad del metal.

Optimized raiser concept for a greater yield in horizontal foundry.

Avoid oversizing of feeding systems.

2D Riser is a new optimized riser concept that allows adjusting feeding systems to obtain a higher yield, that is, a better ratio between the weight of the feeding system and the weight of the different cavities of the produced parts.

Hand in hand with the application of new advanced metallurgical concepts, 2D Riser provides stability and reliability to the production process, favoring the development of parts without shrinkage defects at critical points such as necks and sprues.

Anna Regordosa i Romagosa, PhD
Dra. Anna Regordosa

Cast Iron Technologies

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Shaping the
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Susana Méndez, PhD

Susana Méndez, PhD
Director of Foundry Technologies

Aitor Loizaga

Aitor Loizaga
Iron Foundry Technologies

Asier Bakedano, PhD

Asier Bakedano, PhD
Light Materials

Dr. Javier Nieves

Javier Nieves, PhD
Intelligent Manufacturing Technologies



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