Acta Materialia
Foundry technologies, Foundry Technologies, Gorka Alonso, Iron foundry, Iron Foundry Technologies, R&D+i, Ramón Suarez
Extensive SEM work was carried out on deep etched specimens to reveal the evolution of graphite shape in Fe–C–Si alloys of industrial composition during early solidification and at room temperature. The samples had various magnesium and titanium levels designed to produce graphite morphologies ranging from coarse lamellar to interdendritic lamellar to mixed compacted – spheroidal. The present findings were then integrated in previous knowledge to produce an understanding of the crystallization of lamellar, compacted and spheroidal graphite.
Doru M. Stefanescu (The Ohio State University and The University of Alabama), Gorka Alonso (AZTERLAN), Pello Larrañaga (AZTERLAN), Esther De la Fuente (VEIGALAN), Ramón Suárez (AZTERLAN).
Cast iron, Graphite morphology, Foliated dendrites, Compacted graphite, Spheroidal graphite, Solidification.
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