Anales de la Real Sociedad Española de Química, vol. 104
Aitor Loizaga, Foundry Technologies, Foundry technologies, Iron foundry, Jon Sertucha, R&D+i, Ramón Suarez
The study of the metallurgical evolution of different chemical elements related to the manfuacture of poured casting provides an u seful tool in order to avoid the appearance of gas porosities. The formation of these defect into the metallic mterial has a critical influence on the technological properties of the obtained castings and affects to their functionality. This work analyses the most important types of gas poroesities normally found in graphitic iron, aluminium and steel. In addition, the most apparent causes for these defects formation are discussed according to the physical and chemical processes which take place inside the metal.
Aitor Loizaga, Jon Sertucha, Ramón Suárez
Porosity, gas, metal, alloy, metallurgical properties
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