Grupo Español de Fractura
Corrosion, Enara Mardaras, Forming technologies, Garikoitz Artola, H2Free, Ibon Miguel, Powder metallurgy, R&D+i, Steel, Surfaces, Surfaces, Surfaces
The main objective of the study is to confirm in which coating conditions it is feasible to use Zn-Ni, as well as to delimit the parameters under which the dehydrogenation process must be carried out. In the same way it pursues:
Ibon Miguel (AZTERLAN), Enara Mardaras (AZTERLAN), A. Salicio (CIDETEC), M. Lekka (CIDETEC), Garikoitz Artola (AZTERLAN), C. Angulo (UPV-EHU).
Electrodeposition, metallic powder, coatings, small punch test, surfaces, H2Free Project.
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