HE:PROTECT – Advanced development of steel materials and components for application in underwater environments

service life improvement


Advanced development of steel materials and components for aquatic environments.

Reduce premature failures caused by Hydrogen Embrittlement.

Hydrogen embrittlement is a common cause of failure in steel components and structures that must work in underwater and offshore environments. It is a phenomenon caused by the absorption of hydrogen by the material during the manufacturing process of the components and influenced by various environmental factors, as well as others inherent to the design of the components and their working conditions.

The HE:PROTECT methodology devised by AZTERLAN offers the keys to optimizing structures subjected to hydrogen embrittlement in relation to their specific conditions of use.

With a global view of the process of design, manufacture, assembly and expected operation of steel structural components for aquatic use, HE:PROTECT analyzes internal (incorporated in the steel during the manufacturing process) and external (incorporated during operation) hydrogen of the components, allowing action on those aspects of the manufacturing and assembly process that favor this phenomenon.

360º action for a greater resistance to hydrogen embrittlement


Determination of environmental and application conditions

These are the framework aspects that will determine the optimal characteristics of the materials / components with respect to their resistance to this phenomenon:

Analysis of the design, manufacturing and assembley process

These are the specific aspects on which the potential improvements detected will be applied:

More efficient materials and manufacturing processes

We can help you improve the service life of components and structures


We add value through optimization

“Solid state forming technologies gather a diverse group manufacturing means, materials and sectors with very different characteristics. However, they face common challenges associated with the incorporation of new materials, demanding production rates and increasing requests for the products they manufacture.

Developing components with advanced features, improving the useful life of manufacturing tools and addressing new markets and industrial applications are some of the areas through which we add value to the companies that design, manufacture and apply these components.”

Garikoitz Artola, PhD

Garikoitz Artola, PhD
Director of  Forming Technologies

Aitor Loizaga

Aitor Loizaga
Iron Foundry Technologies

Lucía Unamunzaga
Sustainability and Environment

Asier Bakedano, PhD

Asier Bakedano, PhD
Light Materials

Enara Mardaras, PhD
Corrosion and Protection of Materials

Dr. Javier Nieves

Javier Nieves, PhD
Intelligent Manufacturing Technologies

Fernando Santos
Special Materials and Processes


Jarri kontaktuan Garikoitzekin.

Contact Garikoitz.

Contact with Aitor Loizaga

Contact Lucía.

Contact Asier.

Contact Enara.

Contact Javier.

Contact Fernando.

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