Revista de Metalurgia, vol. 49
Foundry technologies, Foundry Technologies, Fundición Esferoidal, Iron foundry, Jon Sertucha, Metallic mold, Nodular cast iron, R&D+i, Ramón Suarez
The features and suitability of high requirements ductile iron castings production using metallic moulds have beenstudied in the present work. The structural and mechanical properties of the produced castings have been analysedand compared to the corresponding ones but fabricated using green sand moulds according to a conventional productionprocess. The higher cooling rate in the metallic moulds is the main cause for the appearance of the detected structuralchanges in castings. The mechanical and microstructural properties obtained directly on castings are remarkable dueto the higher nodule count among other factors. Finally, the benefits and inconveniences found in this kind ofproduction methodology using metallic moulds are also discussed.
A. Urrestarazu (Greyco, S.L.U.), Jon Sertucha (AZTERLAN), Ramón Suárez (AZTERLAN), I. Álvarez-Ilzarbe (Frenos Iruña, S.A.L.)
Spheroidal cast iron; metal mold; Structural features; Mechanical properties.
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