Corrosion and Protection of Metallic Materials

Building intelligence into metallic parts manufacturing

Field of specialization

Corrosion and protection of metallic materials

Creating components that are more resistant and durable in hostile environments

Science and expert metallurgical knowledge to fight corrosion.

Avoiding the aparition of corrosion phenomena and mitigating their effects is key to increasing the useful life and optimal performance of metallic components and structures.

The work of the AZTERLAN materials protection and corrosion research team is oriented towards the development of components that are more resistant to hostile working environments through innovation in materials, manufacturing processes and coatings.

Dra. Enara Mardaras
Enara Mardaras, PhD.

Corrosion and Materials Protection Manager

Related contents
Strategies against corrosion

Main working fields


Electrochemical behavior of materials

Studying the chemical reactions with transfer of electrons provides high added value information about the thermochemical and thermodynamic behavior of materials to assess their responsponse in different media and work environments.

Improving the skin of components

Advanced surfaces

The “skin” of the components fulfills key functions such as protecting, promoting adherence or, even, aesthetics. However, it can be adapted to also provide new features that respond to specific requirements.

improvement of behavior

Performance in hostile environments

Knowing how metallic materials behave in different environments and under different stimuli is the way to provide solutions to the industry.

Sustainable chemical treatments

In addition to helping improve the life of the components, tools and equipment, the new treatments must also respond to sustainability criteria and help reducing the environmental and health impact of the  industry.

The goal is to develop chemical treatments with the following features:

Applied research and transferable solutions

Anti-corrosion solutions for the industry

Is corrosion an issue for your products?

We can help you fight corrosion


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