A technical study submitted by the Azterlan Metallurgy Research Centre regarding the optimization of chemical bonded sand moulds has been awarded ‘Best Paper’ at the 70th World Foundry Congress 2012

The paper “Optimization of chemical bonded sand moulds for big size cast components. Reduction of the casting manufacturing costs” has been named as the Best Technical Study presented at the 70th World Foundry Congress, which was held in the Mexican city of Monterrey from 25 to 27 April 2012. A worldwide acclaimed award that Azterlan was firstly distinguished with in 2008 during the 68th World Foundry Congress held in Chenai, India.


The most important technological event for the foundry industry sector has brought together more than 400 national and international experts, among them the most prominent professionals in the field. During the three-day convention, organized by the Sociedad Mexicana de Fundidores (Mexican Foundry Society) and Canacintra, with the support of the World Foundry Organization, more than 90 technical papers covering ten different areas of work were presented. In addition, more than six thousand people took part in the XVIII Fundiexpo fair.
The prize-winning investigation refers to the Quimisand assay, which was composed by an international working group comprising the following technicians: Itziar Berriozabalgoitia, David Peña, Guillermo Trillo, Per Rolf Roland, speaker at the congress, and Julian Izaga. The investigation focuses on proving that a correct mould stability allows to develop optimization process strategies in order to reach significant competitive advantages -minimization of risers and chills, casting internal soundness improvements, costs reduction in fettling operations-, among others.

The Quimisand assay is able to evaluate the mechanical properties of the moulding system (potential of the binding system) and the own characteristics of the mould. Based on these test results important improvements can be achieved -product quality wise as well as manufacturing cost reductions-.
The second recognition was for the professor of the University of Padova, Giovanni Meneghetti, for the paper: “Estimation of the fatigue limit of ductile iron weakened by V-shaped notches”. Finally, the third prize ended up in the hands of Lucky Juganan from the University of Johannesburg, for the work: “The Career Path Framework for the foundry Industry in South Africa- an innovative skills development initiative for training of the foundryman”.

Bilbao 2014

In the closing ceremony, the Mexican authorities have handed the World Foundry Congress flag to officials from the Tabira Foundry Institute, the association in charge of organizing the 71st World Foundry Congress which will be hosted in the city of Bilbao from 19 to 21 May 2014.

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