Aluminum, Ana Fernandez, Andrea Niklas, Asier Bakedano, Environment, Foundry technologies, Foundry Technologies, Fundición de aluminio, HPDC, R&D+i, Secondary materials, Sergio Orden, Soundcast
Vacuum assisted high pressure die castings (VPDC) with high ductility requirements are usually manufactured with primary AlSi10MnMg alloy. However, secondary alloys could be an interesting alternative as they offer several advantages such as cheaper raw material and longer die life. But, the higher amount of Fe, reduces the ductility due to the formation of needle/platelet shaped β-Al5FeSi phase. These compounds can be transformed into α- iron phases with less harmful by microadditions of Mn. In this work a secondary type alloy with moderate iron content, 0.47-0.60 % Fe, and optimized Mn addition, has been cast in test parts with different wall thicknesses using VPDC technology. The microstructure has been investigated to assure that no harmful β-Al5FeSi phases are formed. Mechanical properties have been determined in different conditions: F (as-cast), T4, T5 and T6 temper. The results show that mechanical properties comparable to the corresponding primary alloy can be obtained. Finally, the high mechanical properties of the new alloy was used to manufacture in a real part.
Andrea Niklas (AZTERLAN), Ana Isabel Fernández-Calvo (AZTERLAN), Asier Bakedano (AZTERLAN), Sergio Orden (AZTERLAN), Manel da Silva (Fundació Eurecat).
SOUNDCAST, Aluminium alloy, High Pressure Die Casting, HPDC, Vacuum, Secondary Alloy, Ductility.
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