Management policy
We are aware of the role we play in contributing to the development of a stronger, more sustainable and equal industry and society.
AZTERLAN is a private, non-profit Metallurgical Research Center, whose purpose is the generation, acquisition and transfer of knowledge in the field of metallurgy and the different technologies for the transformation of metallic materials, as well as the provision of high added value that contributes to improving the competitiveness of the metal-mechanical industrial fabric.
Recognized as a Technological Center in the Basque Network of Science, Technology and Innovation and by the Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation of the Department of Economy and Competitiveness of the Government of Spain, AZTERLAN maintains a firm commitment to the country’s industrial and innovation policies .
As a cohesive element, AZTERLAN has equipped itself with a Management System that supports and covers its different activities. This System allows us to advance in the search for excellence, guarantees compliance with the applicable requirements, including those of the UNE 166002 standard on which it is based, and consolidates the process of continuous improvement.
By approving this Management Policy, the Management shows its commitment to comply with it and is obliged to communicate it to all members of the AZTERLAN collective, making it available to agents and interested parties, directly and indirectly involved in the scope. of the Center’s activity.
Commited to equality
AZTERLAN is an entity committed to full equality, both in terms of relationships between people from the Center itself, and in terms of relationships between people employed with other people and/or external companies. We are committed to the acceptance of diversity in our organization, without any personal circumstance (race, sex, age or any other) determining discriminatory and different behavior for people.
Achieving full equality means not only avoiding discrimination based on sex or gender, but also achieving equal opportunities for women and men in access to the Center, hiring and working conditions, promotion, training, remuneration , the reconciliation of personal, family and work life and occupational health. AZTERLAN’s Human Resources policy is based on the development of people, regardless of their gender or sex.
To ensure these objectives, AZTERLAN has an Equality Plan.

Commited to a safe and healthy workplace

- Implement safety measures and work on the prevention of accidents and occupational diseases, providing safe and healthy working conditions in order to prevent any damage and/or deterioration of health.
- Plan the response to emergency situations, with the commitment to adopt the necessary procedures to identify foreseeable emergencies in our facilities according to a systematic analysis, as well as to prepare, check and review emergency plans, considering the external coordination procedures that may be necessary.
- Provide training, awareness and professional competence to the entire staff, as a formula and transcendent commitment that makes it possible a better understanding of the procedures for the efficient implementation of the policy, contributing to its development and understanding that people are the key pillar of AZTERLAN, as well as its differential element.
- Ensure compliance with the standard, legal and regulatory commitments applicable to the activity of our Technology Centre in terms of health and safety.
Environmental commitment
AZTERLAN has a firm commitment to the development of responsible environmental behavior in all the activities carried out by the Metallurgical Research Center.
The principles and commitments that constitute the action guidelines of the Technology Center in this matter are the following:
- Comply with the applicable environmental legal requirements and other volunteers that the organization subscribes.
- Contribute to sustainable development, by preventing pollution and protecting the environment: Energy Efficiency, Waste Minimization, Spill Control and Noise Control.
- Work on the continuous improvement of the Center’s environmental performance.
- Collaborate with companies to minimize environmental impacts and properly manage resources and waste from different industrial processes..
To ensure these objectives, AZTERLAN has an Environmental Policy.