Main activity
Characterization and certification
All the testing services that metal-mechanical industry requests.
Development of new materials
Overcoming the known limits of materials
Our main equipment
- Equipment for testing corrosion in acidic environments
- Testing equipments under stress in natural atmospheres or atmospheres type H2S
- Testing constant deformation (bending tests at various points of support) or constant loads for working in different corrosion media
- Salt spray test and condensed steam atmospheres cabinets
- Combined cycle corrosion cabinets
- Sita CleanoSpector fluorescence inspection system
- Surface quality control Mobile Surface Analyzer (KRUSS)
- High current, premium quality Autolab PGSTAT302N Potentiostat/Galvanostat, with 30V compliance voltage and 1Mhz bandwidth, with a FRA32M module for electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
- Autolab PGSTAT302F Potentiostats for Hydrogen Permeation. Special version of PGSTAT302N that can be locked in floating mode. Voltage range ± 30V and a bandwidth of 100K Hz
- Autolab PGSTAT101 portable potentiostat. Potential range -10 V to 10 V, available voltage range ± 10 V and maximum bandwidth in HZ 1M
- High temperature tube furnace. Maximum working temperature 1500°C, possibility of working in a protective atmosphere, maximum tube diameter 80 mm and maximum heating ramp 25°C/h
- Circulation baths with heating Corio C-BT27 from Julabo. Temperature range 20-100°C. Heating capacity 2KW
- Devanathan-Stachurski permeation cells
- Circulating bath CC-315B for electrochemical tests. Temperature up to 300 °C
- Circulating bath CC-315B for electrochemical tests. Temperature up to 300 °C
- Circulation baths with heating Corio C-BT27 from Julabo. Temperature range 20-100°C. Heating capacity 2KW
- Minitom-Struers precision diamond cutter. Low speed cutting machine for precision cuts of ± 0.01 mm with diamond and CBN blades of 75-125 mm for cutting metallic and ceramic materials
- “Frigiterm-TFT-30” Cryo-thermostat Temperature up to 100°C
Other equipment
- Scanning electron microscope, with controlled and environmental pressure mode, equipped with energy dispersive X-ray microspectrometer
- Optical microscopes equipped with image analysis systems
- Equipment for metallographic preparations (precision cutters, polishing instruments, embedding machines, electrolytic etching, etc,…)
- Stereoscopic magnifying glass
- X-ray fluorescence thickness measurement equipment
- Magnetic induction thickness measurement equipment
- Tensile / compression equipment between 200N and 1500KN
- Heaters, furnaces, thermobalances and general laboratory media
Rings for stress corrosion testing. SCC. NACE 0177. method A
Environmental corrosion laboratory. Salt spray
Hydrogen permeation test
Salt-spraying testing
Adherence testing
Surface tension
Red rust on valve component
Cyclic corrosion chamber
Salt spray chambers
Saltspray testing on fixing elements (bolts)
Laboratory to perform acid corrosions
Samples in an acid medium
Specimens subjected to acid corrosion test
Laboratory to perform acid corrosions
Saltspray chamber
Potentiodynamic curves
Laboratory to perform acid corrosions
Stress corrosion testing
Broken specimen under stress corrosion test
Corrosion in acid media